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Last week we updated you on a recent illness Meryl and some of her friends in baby group had suffered. Now, they are fighting fit and able to fully explore the playground in nursery group Forest School once again.

Agus Fahroni, who is our Medical Coordinator at Nyaru Menteng, gave Meryl and the other babies the all clear and today the nursery group Forest School is again a noisy, bustling and fun place following the return of the recovered babies. The babies were particulary excited to all be travelling off to Forest School in their wheelbarrows for a full and busy day together.

Meryl, Valentino, Madara, Syahrini, Lala, Reren and Otan had all received excellent care and treatment from our medical team and babysitters which aided their quick recovery. And today was their first full day back in Forest School.

Accompanied by babysitters Mia Puspita and Ratu, Meryl and her friends have been busy climbing and exercising their arm muscles which they have not been able to do properly for the past week. Meryl will sometimes still have time for a cuddle with babysitter Mia in between playtime, but she is back on top form.

How is Meryl Doing This Week? (Photo credit: Indrayana)

How is Meryl Doing This Week? (Photo credit: BOSF 2015)

How is Meryl Doing This Week? (Photo credit: BOSF 2015)

How is Meryl Doing This Week? (Photo credit: BOSF 2015)

One of Meryl’s favourite babysitters, Mia Puspita, is delighted to see Meryl healthy once again after having nursed her throughout her illness.

We hope that Meryl and her friends in the nursery group continue their good health so they can focus happily playing and learning at the nursery group Forest School. It will be several years before they are old enough to be returned to the wild so like all students, they need to spend a good deal of time on their studies!

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